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The Shining 原版小说-第77部分

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finish one summer before we get on to the next。〃 
  〃Okay。〃 He looked at Hallorann。 〃Dick?〃 
  〃You won't die for a long time; will you?〃 
  〃I'm sure not studyin on it。 Are you?〃 
  〃No; sir。 I — 〃 
  〃You got a bite; sonny。〃 He pointed。 The red and white bobber had ducked 
under。 It came up again glistening; and then went under again。 
  〃Hey!〃 Danny gulped。 
  Wendy had e down and now joined them; standing in back of Danny。 〃What is 
it?〃 she asked。 〃Pickerel?〃 
  〃No; ma'am;〃 Hallorann said; 〃I believe that's a pink whale。〃 
  The tip of the fishing rod bent。 Danny pulled it back and a long fish; 
rainbow…colored; flashed up in a sunny; winking parabola; and disappeared again。 
  Danny reeled frantically; gulping。 
  〃Help me; Dick! I got him! I got him! Help me!〃 
  Hallorann laughed。 〃You're doin fine all by yourself; little man。 I don't know 
if it's a pink whale or a trout; but it'll do。 It'll do just fine。〃 
  He put an arm around Danny's shoulders and the boy reeled the fish in; little 
by little。 Wendy sat down on Danny's other side and the three of them sat on the 
end of the dock in the afternoon sun。 

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